punchcar5's Very cool norns.

Tips and tricks of the C2 world

Updated: 25. November 2008

These are my tips and tricks.

T+T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Downloads: 299   Updated: 4. November 2008
My tips will be shure to help you on any occasion.

  Downloads: 309   Updated: 4. November 2008

Creature tips!   Downloads: 312   Updated: 4. November 2008

Creatures 5   Downloads: 308   Updated: 4. November 2008
On a rare occasion, if you spice a butterfly norn with an ange norn, the baby will turn out to be a guy norn who looks like a girl.

Creatures 4   Downloads: 307   Updated: 4. November 2008
When you take a norn and a ettin or a norn and a grendel, and slpice them, usually the baby will die.

Creatures 3   Downloads: 305   Updated: 4. November 2008
Ettins are very self concious.If you take a singel ettin when it's an adult, and put it with a bunch of norns, it will try and go back to being alone. But if you take an ettin and put it with a bunch of norn as a baby, it will adapt.

Creatures 2   Downloads: 299   Updated: 25. November 2008
Try to rasie your grendels from a baby and put it with a bunch of norns, it will adapt, and it will learn not to hit.

Creatures1   Downloads: 323   Updated: 4. November 2008
Norns are really alive. So if you hit it lik 10 times, it will remember that. Norns ca nreally feel things. If You isolate it, it won't know how to interact with other norns.I tried this as an experiment.

  Downloads: 298   Updated: 4. November 2008

Worlds   Downloads: 289   Updated: 4. November 2008

Worlds5   Downloads: 309   Updated: 4. November 2008
Montu is a world where you have to save the norns fro the grendles.You can learn more aboout this on Wikipedia.

worlds 4   Downloads: 297   Updated: 4. November 2008
The C2 world is bigger than the C1 world.

Worlds 3   Downloads: 292   Updated: 4. November 2008
If you run out of space with your norns you can use the world switcher to create anothe rone or go to these websistes to get intresting new words. I recomend the sweet world from nornminster. http://www.creatures.de/c2worlds.htm http://www.creaturesvillage.com/helen//cobs.php?type=rooms&gameCode=c2

World2   Downloads: 296   Updated: 4. November 2008
The cobs you can get and download are amazing. If you et enough intresting cobs, you can decortae your world making the world more exciting to you, and all your norns.

World1   Downloads: 300   Updated: 4. November 2008
In the c2 world, make shure that you keep it clean and look after it

  Downloads: 310   Updated: 4. November 2008

Breeding   Downloads: 301   Updated: 4. November 2008

Breeding 7   Downloads: 289   Updated: 4. November 2008
There are millions of combonations you can make by breeding and splicing your norns. When you breed you can ake combonations so good, the norn will get the alkimicammy gene. But, do not breed them too often of the baby might get gentic disorders.

Breeding6   Downloads: 303   Updated: 4. November 2008
make shure thatnone of your norns are sick when they mate, or the baby will be sick, and die at birth.

Beeding 5   Downloads: 303   Updated: 25. November 2008
If you ever get the mad dancing norn to mate, the chaances are, the norn will be purple and will dance iether at birth, or when it gets older.

breeding 4   Downloads: 300   Updated: 4. November 2008
When you breed, try not to get other norns involved, or one other feale can intrest the male norn and make the mating female mad.

Breeding 3   Downloads: 297   Updated: 4. November 2008
Be careful to choose the right cple to breed, because when the baby is born, it might die of mutiaion, or your female norn could be born, but cant move, or might not show up when you select a norn

breeding2   Downloads: 285   Updated: 4. November 2008
Male norns can be preety mean when breeding with any female norn, so watch out.

Breeding1   Downloads: 298   Updated: 4. November 2008
When you have truoble breeding you can always take 2 norns to the love island next to the volcano and click on the mysterious instument.

  Downloads: 310   Updated: 4. November 2008

deaths   Downloads: 296   Updated: 4. November 2008
these are my deaths tips and tircks. some of these are facts, some are tips and ticks.

deaths 4 countinued   Downloads: 298   Updated: 4. November 2008
The rarest thing in a norn death is a norn smiling while standing up.

deaths 4   Downloads: 331   Updated: 4. November 2008
It's one of the rarest things in the C2 game that norns die standing up.

deaths 3   Downloads: 295   Updated: 4. November 2008
The number one cause of norn deaths is atcually defomities.

deaths2   Downloads: 305   Updated: 4. November 2008
When a norn dies, and you can't get a good picture of it, go to the bridge, then take the toy spring thingy that pushes your norn into the air. Take it to the norn quickly beacuse your limited time to do thid befor the norn gose up in the air. Push the toy, and as your norn gose u, it changes postion. so you can give it a better death picture in case you would rather see your norn dead on the tomb stone then alive.

deaths1   Downloads: 300   Updated: 4. November 2008
When your norn dies, always take a picture of it, or you won't have anything to remember it by