

Updated: 26. November 2006

Norns for Docking Station. None are fastagers or immortals.

Jaedric   Downloads: 160   Updated: 26. November 2006
A clone of a highgen modified to use c1 Pixie sprites. He is about 1/4 Gizmo, and doesn't like to be kept alone.

Akya   Downloads: 172   Updated: 11. November 2006
A cold-immune amphibious norn for a wolfling run. He is a child in this download. Uses Lollipop and Estrella sprites.

Tira   Downloads: 166   Updated: 19. August 2006
The result of a cross between a half-Gizmo norn and one of Skya's decendants. I have never seen such a colour before, yet she has only one pigment bleed gene. Generation 44668. She is a baby in this download, and will not develop that shade of red until she reaches Youth.

Diana   Downloads: 185   Updated: 15. Juli 2006
A descendant of Skya, and a perfect example of my winged blue dynasty. She is blue for most of her life, and a rather nice shade of purple from child to youth. She has passed Danikat's IQ test. Needs Alien, Bengal and Gargoyle sprites. Generation 44665, 1 hour 10 min.

Faerun   Downloads: 166   Updated: 6. Juni 2006
Another clone, nothing much special about him exept a few nice colour changes. The original was about generation 50. He is a baby in this download.

Skya   Downloads: 194   Updated: 21. April 2006
A clone of one of my favourites. She is a baby in this download.