Mey - C2 Norns

Ettins and Grendels

Updated: 8. August 2003

None of these is pure Ettin or Grendel... I really like Ettin- and Grendel- breeds and I'm really fond of some of these.

Lewis   Downloads: 351   Updated: 8. August 2003
This is Lewis as a child... He's my very favourite Ettin. You'll need Red Orchid and Christmas-Norn Sprites for him... And he's always thirsty, but he knows how to take care of himself.

Noel   Downloads: 350   Updated: 8. August 2003
Noel is a strange Grendel. He needs Christmas Sprites and maybe Uriel, I can't remember...

Singy   Downloads: 349   Updated: 8. August 2003
She is an Ettin Lady and loves every male Ettin she sees. You need Christmas and Dewa-Sprites for her.

Yves   Downloads: 371   Updated: 8. August 2003
Yves is an ill-tempered Scoprio and Fantasia mix Ettin. He'll always want you to stroke him or he'll get really angry.

Betty   Downloads: 325   Updated: 8. August 2003
She is a lovely Grendel and Uriel Norn-Lady and will grow wings in puberty... She can only breed if you install the "Everyone can breed" COB... But then she'll have mostly winged children.

Grigri   Downloads: 359   Updated: 7. Juni 2003
She's a real good mother and has mickeynorn parts in her, for example her legs that make her walk like a normal Norn...

Ily   Downloads: 387   Updated: 1. Juni 2003
Ily has only Ettin genes but he has got the lightbrown colour his Ladybird-Norn mother gave him. He is smarter than normal Ettins, but gets bored pretty fastly.

Ettner   Downloads: 348   Updated: 31. Mai 2003
He's so cute ! And he is very independent... Only gets bored pretty fastly. He's got mernorn arms...don't know why