AW: norns fügen sich schmerzen zu
geschrieben am: 05.07.2005 00:00
Beiträge: 77
Registriert: Jan, 2005
Well, I think he still puts the passion first, and then the living - he said to the guy who asked him if he could do BAMZOOKi that he did not want to do anything other than working in games, it wouldn't be fun, so he'd try to find a way for it to happen - but it is a passion for making the games, not for building or maintaining a community. If he was doing it for a job, I'm sure he could go to the City (financial district in the middle of London) and make pots of cash managing there. I couldn't do that because of the stress!
Goodness. Well, I already know two Helens - one who is a cousin, one who is a well-known community member of times past - so perhaps it is all fr the best that I do not need to remember another! C2 norns are notorious for their lack of memory, after all . . .